
Pampa sealed agreement with Movilitas

Pampa sealed an agreement with German company Movilitas in order to be reseller and service partner in Movilizer solutions for mobility in Latin America.

This agreement is framed within Pampa´s strategy of incorporating SAP related solutions and services to our offering, so that our clients can make use of them increasing their return on inverstement in their SAP solution.

Moreover, this agreement is aligned with Pampa´s focus in two strong tencencies in the current market: mobility and service consumption in the cloud.

Movilizer solutions allow companies to incorporate mobile applications integrated to SAP with minimun risk and without inicial investment in infrastructure and implementation since only the use of the service is paid for.

Movilizer offers a series of "Out of the Box" applications already built for clients to use.

We invite you to know more about Movilizer Solutions section.


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