

  • SAP S/4 Hana

    SAP S/4 Hana - Preparing the way to Business Digital Transformation 

     SAP S/4 Hana

    De la mano de SAP lideramos la innovación tecnológica para tu empresa y por eso queremos presentarte a la nueva apuerta del gigante aleman para cumplir con las necesidades del negocio demanera eficiente e interconectada.

    La plataforma SAP HANA (High-performance ANalytic Appliance) fue lanzada oficialmente en 2010, y casi de manera inmediata toda la Business Suite de SAP se disponibilizó para instalarse sobre SAP HANA, lanzandose como “Suite on HANA”. La “S” es la primera letra de “Simple”, el número 4 se refiere a la cuarta generación de ERP y HANA es una referencia a la plataforma SAP HANA.

    Beneficios de S/4HANA

    Los beneficios y su extensión son diferentes para cada empresa y varían en función de factores como el mercado, la madurez de los procesos y el capital humano. Los beneficios pueden ser clasificados en 6 grandes grupos:

    - Agilidad en las decisiones empresariales

    La combinación de procesamiento de transacciones online (OLTP) y de procesamiento analítico (OLAP) proporcionado por la plataforma HANA, habilita la obtención de cualquier información en tiempo real. Con esto, la planeación, ejecución, la previsión y simulación podrán hacerse de inmediato.

    - Procesos de negocio

    Varios procesos de negocios previamente existentes en ECC (ERP Central Component) fueron radicalmente simplificados en S/4HANA, lo que abre espacio para que los colaboradores puedan concentrarse en las tareas esenciales e identificar mejoras en los procesos.

    - Nuevos modelos de negocios

    Con el uso de la plataforma SAP HANA, conceptos como Internet de las Cosas y Big Data ahora son accesibles a cualquier empresa. Conectar personas, dispositivos y redes de negocios en tiempo real, y agregar más valor para los clientes será mucho más fácil.

    - La experiencia del usuario fue mejorada

    SAP HANA fue proyectado nativamente con la interface de usuario totalmente construida con SAP Fiori, que permite una experiencia de usuario simple, flexible y personalizada, en todas las funciones del sistema disponible en diversos dispositivos.

    - Modelos de datos e infraestructura del sistema (TI)

    Reducción de impacto del volumen de datos y sus costos asociados de TI. Con el nuevo diseño del modelo de datos de S/4HANA, se realizó una simplificación radical en las estructuras de datos, dando como resultado la eliminación de redundancias, datos duplicados, tablas de referencia e índices.

    - Opciones para implantación del sistema (TI)

    S/4 HANA ofrece la flexibilidad de implementarse en Cloud, on-Premise y en un modelo híbrido – el que se ajuste más a la necesidad del negocio.

    El dilema de TI

    El mayor desafío del área de TI hoy, es justificar y reducir la inversión necesaria para atender la necesidad de negocio en continuo crecimiento utilizando plataformas y tecnologías obsoletas. El volumen de transacciones y datos crece exponencialmente y la presión para la toma de decisiones en tiempo real, con información confiable aumenta la complejidad del problema. Todos estos factores apuntan hacia la necesidad de contar con una plataforma y solución que traiga los siguientes beneficios:

    - Capacidad para expandir rápidamente la infraestructura de TI para suplir la necesidad creciente del negocio;

    - Desempeño para ejecutar procesos de negocios cada vez más complejos

    - Información en tiempo real para toma de decisiones;

    - Disponibilidad de los sistemas e información garantizando estabilidad y continuidad del negocio

    - Reducción del TCO, optimizando inversiones que garanticen un retorno en el menor tiempo posible

    S/4HANA trae ganancias de eficiencia, productividad, agilidad, seguridad y compliance, además de traer todos los beneficios listados anteriormente.

    Por último, ¿por qué necesito migrar?

    La respuesta más directa y que menos agrada es simple: desde SAP se ha anunciado que dará soporte al ECC 6.0 hasta el final de 2025. A medida que nos acercamos a la fecha final, experimentaremos un “boom”de proyectos, eso implica escasez de profesionales y mayores costos, en función de la relación entre oferta y demanda.

    ¿Cuáles son los principales desafíos?

    Existen 3 posibles escenarios de transición para S/4 HANA, detallados a seguir:

    - Conversión de sistema – puntos de atención

    * Industry Solution, add-ons y business functions en uso

    * Analizar la instalación actual sobre la óptima del documento “Simplification List”

    * Evaluación del “custom code” – códigos no usados, ajustes necesarios para S/4 HANA

    * Evaluación de las integraciones con otras soluciones SAP/no SAP en uso.

    - Nueva implementación – puntos de atención

    * Direccionadores principales enfocados en reingeniería y simplificación de procesos

    * Sistema actual con alto volumen de “custom code”

    * Versión actual del ERP y/o pre-requisitos técnicos no permiten conversión de sistema

    - Landscape Transformation – puntos de atención

    * Migración basada en valor (ROI/TCI)

    * Agilidad – migración puede ser hecha en ondas

    * Reducción de TCO con la consolidación de los sistemas y simplificación de los procesos

    Además de estos puntos específicos para cada uno de los escenarios de transición, existen consideraciones que aplican a todos:

    Unicode: es obligatorio en S/4HANA y un impedimento técnico para la conversión, es decir, si su sistema no es Unicode, la conversión deja de ser una opción;

    Custom Code o código de cliente: eliminar códigos no usados, adaptar los códigos que todavía se utilizarán, para reflejar alteraciones en el diccionario de datos y garantizar no solamente la usabilidad más el desempeño del código en la nueva plataforma HANA;

    Migración de datos: varios grupos de tablas se simplificaron y a pesar de que las herramientas automatizadas de migración de datos están disponibles es un punto de atención que no pude menospreciarse sea en el escenario de conversión o en una nueva implementación;

    Evaluación de las nuevas funcionalidades: no es raro que nos encontremos con desarrollos que fueron hechos en versiones anteriores de ERP de SAP y que en S/4 pasaron a tener procesos standard. Para eso, se hace necesario no solamente la evaluación técnica de los desarrollos, más también la evaluación sobre la óptica de negocios.

  • S/4 Hana Conversion


    Choosing a conversion to SAP S / 4 Hana protected and secure, allows you to reduce the timeframes compared to the Greenfield approach, which implies a new ERP implementation.

    • YOU CAN MAINTAIN YOUR OWN SOLUTION: If the SAP ECC solution you are currently using already meets the necessary requirements for the business, the conversion will help you avoid interruptions in your operations.
    • YOUR HISTORY IS PROTECTED: the historical data you have will be kept during the conversion.
    • THE IMPACT IS REDUCED: users who are making use of the system will be able to continue working with the processes they already know, thus avoiding losing the focus of the business objectives during the project.
    • GUARANTEE THE AGALITY OF YOUR BUSINESS: you can continue executing new projects in your SAP ECC while the conversion is taking place.
    • MAINTAIN THE APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE: you can switch to the new ERP without modifying the architecture of your application or in the integration scenarios.
  • SAP Cloud Platform

    SAP Cloud Platform (SCP) is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) product that provides a development and runtime environment for cloud applications. Based in SAP HANA in-memory database technology, and using open source and open standards, SCP allows independent software vendors (ISVs), startups and developers to create and test HANA-based cloud applications.

    According to SAP, SCP is primarily intended to allow organizations to extend existing on-premises or cloud-based ERP applications with next-generation technology, such as advanced analytics, blockchain or machine learning; build and deploy new enterprise business cloud and mobile apps; integrate and connect enterprise applications regardless of the application location or data source; and connect enterprise applications and data to IoT.

    For example, SCP facilitates the integration of SAP S/4HANA Finance with cloud applications like SAP Ariba or SAP SuccessFactors. It can also integrate these applications with non-SAP systems and data sources, including social media sites and other vendors' enterprise applications.


    SCP is based on open standards and offers developers flexibility and control over which clouds, frameworks and applications to deploy, according to SAP. SCP uses different development environments, including Cloud Foundry and Neo, and provides a variety of programming languages.

    SAP Cloud Platform licensing models

    SCP is available in two commercial models: subscription based and consumption based. These options allow companies a flexible way to match SCP services with organizational needs, according to SAP. Under the subscription model, customers get access to SAP Cloud Platform services for a fixed price and defined time, and can use as much of the services as they want. This model allows organizations to protect their IT investments with predictable costs as long as they are subscribed to the service.

    Under the consumption model, customers can buy SCP services through credits and use them as they see fit. This setup allows companies to start and scale up development projects quickly whenever business requirements change. The SCP credits are paid for up front, and a cloud credit balance is kept for all the services used.

    SCP capabilities and services

    SAP Cloud Platform provides a variety of services and capabilities. As of August 2018, SAP lists 19 capabilities that generally fall under data-based services and analytics, emerging technologies, user-based activities, and application development and deployment. Prominent capabilities include the following: 

    • Analytics, which allows you to embed advanced analytics into applications for real-time results.
    • DevOpswhich simplifies application development and operations.
    • Integration, which allows you to integrate on-premises and cloud applications.
    • Mobile, which enables mobile app development.
    • User Experience, which lets you develop personalized and simple user interactions.
  • SAP Fiori

    It's no secret that everyone wants and experience a great User Experience (UX)! This leads to reduce training costs, lower errors and keep users happy. SAP Fiori provides a very good UX for SAP software. This comprises thousands of intuitive applications such as a set of guides to design the user experience. We are interested that you can know this tool and be able to design it in order to adapt it to the unique operation of your company.


    1- The main objective of SAP Fiori is to locate the daily work of users in the center and support simple applications at the same time, which are fully customizable, adaptable to desired designs and mobile devices.


    2- Fiori allows to improve the user experience by dividing large transactions into individual activities, which can then be observed in Fiori Launchpad, for different accesses related to the roles of each user in the company. This guarantees a user experience consistent with the Fiori principle of making its use more friendly, so its design is based on adaptive, simple, coherent roles and most importantly with adequate and intangible information to optimize execution of tasks).


    3- It allows to improve the user experience by providing an attractive user experience, with a vision of the entire company, generating an increase in user productivity and by the ease of use minimizes training expenses. In addition to this, Fiori allows to atomize the daily tasks in any device, even mobile. Its very attractive design stands out, designed to meet the needs of the user, who can adjust the model according to their own preferences.


    Through a very simple interface, the user according to their levels and roles is able to integrate their tasks in a single work environment and thus optimize time.


    4- SAP Fiori has the focus on the User Roles: each application is specific to certain users, according to the roles that each one has (Human Resources, Finance, Production, etc.):


    5- Benefits of SAP Fiori for the entire company:


    Access to information and functions that are needed at any time, from anywhere and virtually any desktop or mobile device.

    Interface design with a user experience philosophy whose main objective is adaptability, fluidity of information and therefore improves the experience.

    * For Management:

    It greatly improves management productivity.

    Simplifies the approval of different monitoring mechanisms and requirements of working users.

    It generates a pleasant work environment.

    * For Information Technology Management:

    Based on the SAP platform, it allows the management of technological infrastructure to integrate the different tools that SAP offers without additional costs.

    The fact that the design is adaptable and customizable makes users benefit and minimizes training time and help to the end user.


    6- SAP Fiori transactional applications are used to perform tasks between managers and employees, such as permits, trips, among others. They allow the user to execute simple SAP transactions on mobile devices, computers or laptops.


    7- The report sheets are used to explore the key information and marketing information in business operations. It allows navigation through an activity sheet to other detailed information of each activity.


    8- The analytical applications that Fiori has are used to provide real-time information based on roles about the company's business operations. Analytical applications integrate the power of SAP S4 hana with the SAP business package. It provides real-time information based on a huge volume of data in the browser.


    9- By using analytical applications, it allows you to closely monitor the key performance and business management indicators. It allows complex aggregations and calculations of your business operations and react immediately according to changes in market conditions.


    10- SAP Fiori Analytical applications run in the SAP Hana database and use virtual data models. SAP Fiori has the ability to work on the basis of unique and secure access, thus obtaining facilities to handle the variety of SAP tools in a unique way. Its versatility allows the platform to be designed according to a corporate image.


    Fiori architecture based on User Experience, allows you to work collaboratively in the cloud on any device. It gives the possibility to create hybrid applications based on IOS or Android using the context of the cloud and without any installation.

  • Staff Augmentation

    People are the keys to a successful SAP implementation. Pampa supplies creative, collaborative experts to deploy solutions and services that solve your business challenges and give you a competitive edge.

    Pampa can help drive a successful implementation with:

    • Top-level Project Management, Technical and Functional skills matched to your business’ needs
    • Consistent communication and collaboration with your staff
    • Leadership abilities for projects at all levels
    • Professional interactions with your full-time employees and high-level executives
  • Staffing SAP

    People are the keys to a successful SAP implementation. Pampa supplies creative, collaborative experts to deploy solutions and services that solve your business challenges and give you a competitive edge.

    Pampa can help drive a successful implementation with:

    • Top-level Project Management, Technical and Functional skills matched to your business’ needs
    • Consistent communication and collaboration with your staff
    • Leadership abilities for projects at all levels
    • Professional interactions with your full-time employees and high-level executives


  • SAP Implementations

    SAP Activate

    SAP Activate is SAP’s current methodology for deploying, upgrading or migrating to a HANA or S/4HANA landscape.

    Activate draws on SAP’s accumulated experience to provide a detailed roadmap to S/4HANA, from scoping the project to post go-live. Activate also guides your team through integration with third-party software offerings and cloud solutions, training, project management and other needs associated with a migration.

    What is SAP Activate? More Than a Methodology

    We used the word “methodology” to describe Activate, but the term isn’t quite sufficient. SAP Activate is more like a kit to build an S/4HANA landscape.

    It guides project managers, technical, and functional teams through a six phase process to deploy and run any S/4HANA landscape on premise, in the cloud or in a hybrid hosting environment. An assortment of SAP and optional third-party tools simplify the process, save time and limit the risk of human error.

    Each phase has individual deliverables, which are linked into work streams, making tracking the project straightforward. There are also quality checks throughout the process, and extensive resources linked to each deliverable (“accelerators” in SAP terminology).

    SAP Activate Phases

    As we mentioned earlier, SAP Activate is divided into six phases: Discover, Prepare, Explore, Realize, Deploy and Run.

    • Discover: The Discover phase is where you define the broad goals and context of the project. You assess where your company is on its SAP journey and what you want the project to accomplish. This should be grounded in an overall framework of digital transformation — considering where your company wants to be in 5-10 years, not just 5-10 months. Your partner should help you connect your goals with the available technology. The goal shouldn’t be just to get to S/4HANA, but to utilize its technology (possibly combined with third-party offerings) to provide a competitive advantage. In some cases, it may be appropriate to provision a trial system to preview the capabilities of HANA. The Discover phase doesn’t have any quality gates in SAP Activate, which we believe is unfortunate. This phase involves a significant amount of technical research, which in turn informs the decisions your company makes. If your partner isn’t able to provide an accurate assessment of your current system and the costs associated with various options, your ability to make the correct strategic decision can be impacted.
    • Prepare: In this phase, you take the initial work you did in the discover phase and turn it into a plan. As such, the requirements of the Prepare phase are highly dependent on the previous phase. Decisions like your migration strategy, hosting destination and IT management approach will determine the scope and structure of the project. The Prepare phase also involves a lot of preliminary work to get your team ready to go. For example, Project Team Enablement will require you to provision access to various resources as well as train your project team on both Agile methodology and the various tools they’ll need to conduct a successful project. Bringing in an experienced team can accelerate this phase considerably.
    • Explore: Now that you have the basic preparations taken care of, it’s time to get ready for the actual implementation or system conversion. That means spelling out and documenting every detail of the SAP S/4HANA solution. This requires a coordinated effort across multiple teams. On the functional end, you need to identify functional gaps, carry out UX activation and design, analyze custom code, conduct security preparations and take other steps to prepare the system. The technical work is just as elaborate — the team needs to configure a Sandbox and Development system, build out the IT infrastructure, size and refine the solution. One important technical step that’s often overlooked is Operations Impact Evaluation. A new SAP S/4HANA system will usually change the way IT support is structured. What skills and training the IT team require will depend on where the solution is hosted, what vendors are selected and the support model you choose. If your solution is hosted on-premise or managed in-house, you’ll need to start preparing a team to takeover once the system goes live. Whether or not you decide to outsource SAP management, it’s a good idea to work with a migration partner who provides those services. If your technical partner is only concerned with getting the job done and moving on to the next project, they don’t have the same incentive to ensure a smooth transition — as long as everything works at go live, they’ve succeeded. On the other hand, if your technical partner offers SAP managed services, it’s in their interest to make sure your transition is smooth, because they want your ongoing business. Additionally, an SAP MSP will have a better understanding of what it takes to ensure a smooth post go-live and can provide invaluable training and assistance if you do opt to manage the SAP yourself.
    • Realize: SAP projects are recursive. At each stage, you test, refine and add to the work done in the previous stage until you’ve built a software solution. Realize is the phase where you more or less finish this process — your team will now move forward and set up the infrastructure and supporting systems. They refine custom code and implement all the applications and analytics you’ll need in your new solution. Any remaining problems with the system, such as performance problems, are ironed out and the solution is tested. The team then tests the migration process itself, ensuring that data can be migrated quickly and smoothly when it’s time to go live. However, the Realize phase is not the migration — it’s not even the dress rehearsal. To make sure everything goes exactly according to plan, your team will retest their solution before migrating in the Deploy phase.
    • Deploy: In Deploy, you test everything again — the migration process, the IT infrastructure and even the stakeholders. Your partner will need to make sure everyone, from your IT admin to entry level workers, understands how to do their job on the new system, and provide training to anyone that needs it. The goal of all this testing and preparation is to minimize disruption as much as possible. If the migration is planned and executed well, it will have very little impact on productivity. Your team can migrate during off hours, and have everyone back to work by the next morning. At the end of the Deploy phase it’s time for the main event: the production cutover. There’s not a lot to say about it — if your team has done their work, they’ll know every stage of the process, and have the whole procedure timed almost to the second. In 20 years as an SAP managed services provider, Protera has never breached an SLA — let alone had a failed migration. Make sure you choose a migration partner who can say the same.
    • Run: In moving your organization to a new software suite, there will always be adjustments you need to make. Your admins may have to configure new tools, and adjust system settings to deal with, say, demand that’s a bit higher than expected. The run phase is where you handle this needed tweaking and tuning and prepare your organization for steady-state running. Run is also the phase where you setup your team for success. Your landscape will continue to grow, the software will keep changing, and your admins will have to make daily tweaks to keep the system running. The goal of your migration team is to make sure your SAP Basis admin is doing their jobs well enough that end users are never disrupted by these tweaks. Finally, you should start planning future projects. In the Discover phase, you created an overall IT strategy for the next several years. Once you’ve had a few weeks on your new system, you should revisit that strategy, refine it, and take whatever steps are necessary to accomplish those goals. That doesn’t mean you have to start planning your next project right away. But you don’t want to put off planning until “maybe in a year or two” either. It’s important to stay on track for your next transformation goal, whether that’s in five months or five years.

    For Pampa BI SAP Implementation is an oportunity itself, since brings the possibility to the business of improve practices and daily work tasks.

    Becuase it represents a big importance for business, in this section we are going to tell you some details of that implementation:

    What is a SAP implementation?

    It is explain as a colection of practices and work flows which are focused on design, build and adjust simple activities to standard procedures of SAP. SAP Implementations are not always the same in each company, because companies are unique: each one has its own requirements, customizing y module mixed. What is more important in the implementation is to be focused in what SAP vision of SAP solve some aspects and transform it in reality in order to make easy the business work.

    SAP types implementations

    There are two principal kinds of SAP implementations. En first place, it can be build a SAP landscape from nothing, which is known as "Greenfield". In second place, it is possible modified one that exists and it is called "Brownfield".

    Life cycle - Steps - Phases

    Sometimes it is easy mixed up these words when we hear consultants talking about implementations. Life cycle refers to the age of the SAP product, it is sized related which a new product what is starting its life cycle. It has happened that many projects of implementations starts because other is ending and need to be replace.

    A SAP basic implementattion has five basic steps:

    • Project Preparation: it is started the preparation to carry out the implementation, when you have already found goals, priority and scope.
    • Business Blueprint (BBP): it is defined the commercial processes which the implementation deals with.
    • Realización: it takes the BBP as a basis to build, proof and refine the project. Until here, the funcional team is the relevant one.
    • Preparación final: here the technical team start being relevant. It started the project inicialization. 
    • GoLive&Support: it is activated the product implementation and it is cared that the project goes well. It is solved too problems which are part of the implementation process. The migration development cover problem solutions and migration to the last phase. 

    SAP Implementation metodology and Partners

    SAP implementation has a standard methodology, which is known as "Accelerated SAP or ASAP". Currently it was launched a new methodology called "SAP Activate", that is overtaking the ASAP stardard.

    Suppliers are a kind of Partner in the SAP implementation process, that is because we can make a difference in subjetives aspects  and organizative process, bringing together interested parts and making easy discussions about business priorities.

    In Pampa BI we are worried about your company can reach sucess with SAP, while you obtain advantajes of the implementation (simple and automatic tasks).

  • AMS (Application Management System)

    AMS (Application Management System)

    An AMS sevice is a big oportunity to optimize and make relations more professionals between business and IT, in the same way that the tools and methodology of project management that allow project execution of project implementation.

    The managment of the business on SAP requires experience, local knowledge and resolute capabilities; and this one is the orientation of Pamps's service.

    The AMS (Application Management Services) service of Pampa is a service designing to help and complement current IT structures of IT in companies. For that Pampa has: 

    • A service support model of applications which was proven and implemented in other clients. 
    • Knowledge in platforms and aplications to support. 
    • Understanding of business process in the company and experience toa chive standarization and government of them. 

    It will allow:

    • Reach service levels required by the Organization. 
    • Get back valuable human resources for the company getting out of final users.
    • Stabilaze applications.
    • Decrece costs associeated to support applications. 
    • Line up IT structure with the company strategy. 

    Pampa AMS service envolves the following components accordin to the characteristics of the requirements to support:

    • Application Support (level 1, level 2 y level 3)
    • Improvement manage
    Application Support

    The Support Aplication Model is based in define a difference between the service in two process that are design in order to accomplish particular goals and which should have a different treatment.  

    • Incident Management
    • Problem Management
  • Software Factory

    Desarrollamos soluciones de software a medida, llave en mano. En esta modalidad, una vez recibidos los requerimientos por parte del cliente, los mismos son analizados, estimados y presupuestados por nuestra empresa.

    Entre los principales servicios que se ofrecen bajo este concepto, se incluyen desarrollos nuevos, mantenimiento evolutivo, mantenimiento adaptativo, así como corrección de módulos que eventualmente podrían inhabilitar la operación de aplicaciones o sistemas críticos para algunos negocios.

    Según el cliente lo requiera, estamos en condiciones de abarcar la totalidad del ciclo de desarrollo de software o algunas de las etapas del mismo:

    • Administración y Seguimiento de Proyectos.
    • Análisis y Diseño.
    • Recepción de Requerimientos.
    • Desarrollo de Software.
    • Control de Cambios.


    Esta modalidad de servicio es ideal para empresas que:

    • Han detallado sus requerimientos y cuentan con el análisis y diseño de sus aplicaciones.
    • Mantienen el conocimiento del negocio en sus analistas funcionales.
    • Cuentan con necesidades que oscilan en el tiempo en términos de volumen de horas de desarrollo.


    En proyectos de corta o media duración, los ahorros en costos fijos derivados del mantenimiento de la estructura de recursos humanos actual son sustanciales, beneficiándose en forma adicional con el apoyo de un especialista en el desarrollo requerido y conservando recursos propios para desarrollar actividades que generen un valor extra para la empresa.

    Otros beneficios a tener en cuenta:

    • Respuesta inmediata a los picos de demanda de desarrollo.
    • Disminución de plazos de ejecución del servicio.
    • Estandarización del proceso de producción.
    • Calidad en la codificación, testing y despliegue de las soluciones.