Since AFIP (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos/ Federal Administration of Public Income) launched the regulations regarding the Electronic Invoice and the receipt approval online, companies in general (and specifically the SAP companies) have had to deal with this situation adapting to the continuous regime modifications in order to be aligned with the legislation and to have, in time, fast and safe processes in such a critical issue as is Invoicing.
The solution provided by SAP is based on the usage of a PI server to make the connection to the AFIP webservices. The problem is that many companies have not installed the PI server or do not have enough time or budget to implement it. To that effect, Pampa has developed xAFIP, which is a software that manages all the connection between SAP and AFIP. The xAFIP solution is in constant alignment with the modifications of the AFIP regulations, which allows companies to reduce time and risks when implementing these modifications.
Since AFIP (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos/ Federal Administration of Public Income) launched the regulations regarding the Electronic Invoice and the receipt approval online, companies in general (and specifically the SAP companies) have had to deal with this situation adapting to the continuous regime modifications in order to be aligned with the legislation and to have, in time, fast and safe processes in such a critical issue as Invoicing.
SAP, through the releasing of notes (SAP Note 1558532 - RG2485:Argentina E-invoice Webservice for Domestic Scenario, SAP Note 1659814 - RG2758:Argentina E-invoice Web Service for Export) offered the functionalities to manage those approval requirements and receipt emission.
The solution provided by SAP is based on the usage of a PI server to make the connection to the AFIP webservices. The problem is that many companies have not installed the PI server or do not have enough time or budget to implement it. To that effect, Pampa has developed xAFIP, which is a software that manages all the connection between SAP and AFIP. The xAFIP solution is in constant alignment with the modifications of the AFIP regulations, which allows companies to reduce time and risks when implementing these modifications.
Below is the architecture of the solution:
In addition to Argentina, we have carried out implementation in several Latin American countries like: Peru, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay among others.